Let me tell you a little story about fakin’ it…

Years ago, when I was just starting out and had virtually NO clients, I was asked to do a project (a big one) for a lady and although I was dying to take it on, I had NO idea how to even begin to get it done. I was scared, but I was exhilarated. And I couldn’t ignore the exhilarated part. So, being somewhat young, dumb, and fearless, I said yes. Holy Cannoli. I said yes! And then panic hit me because I had to figure out how to do everything I just promised this client. I wasn’t even used to the word client at that point – because I had done work for maybe one up until then.

So, I punched fear in the face, did a ton of research, spent every waking hour learning what I could, and I pulled it off. And it gave me a boost like no other. My new tiny little business got its first boost of confidence and the rest is history. So, our motto at PLC has always been ‘fake it to you make it’. Well, we also have the motto of ‘our kids don’t eat for free, so we don’t work for free’ but that’s another story.

Whatever is in front of you and is pulling at your soul – just go for it. Go for it and then do whatever you have to to get it done. Shake off the fear, and give yourself a chance to dance, and you will just figure it out as you go. Have a wonderful weekend! Oh, and if you haven’t signed up for K+M, get on it!

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