I used to run my business (for years – don’t tell anyone) without setting substantial, trackable goals. Yes, I read about how successful people were obsessive about setting goals and without a measurable plan you were pretty much just flailing about. And as you probably know ‘flailing about it’ is no way to run a business but I was intimidated by goals and the whole process and I had no idea what my goals were much less how to set them and follow through to achieve them.

So, if you were like me and you have been taking the ‘ignorance is bliss’ approach to managing your business, first let me say, I really do understand, and you and I are probably long lost soul sisters. Man, I hate facing up to things I don’t want to do or are just overwhelmed by but I want better for you because I have seen firsthand how businesses shape up when their owners start tracking attainable goals instead of making wishes.


Do you make wishes instead of goals? Wishes are magical – for birthdays not businesses. Do you have a story about goals or maybe a comment? Or a question? Comment below. I love hearing from you!




Do you hold off on setting goals because:

  • You don’t know what your goals are for your business?
  • You think you can just wing it and success will find you anyway?
  • You are a little intimated and overwhelmed by the whole goal setting process?

If you answered a resounding ‘YES’ to any of those questions, join the club. But the thing is you can’t be in that club AND have the business you deserve. They don’t play well together.

I have a better place for you to be instead of hanging around in some old club where the wall paper is made of excuses, confusion, and procrastination. Ditch it sister. Let’s move on outta here!
