
Our mission at Pink Lemonade Company is to empower creators by helping them transform their lives through creativity and possibility. We believe that having an attitude of gratitude and an abundance mindset are essential ingredients. We can all design our lives and our businesses to feed our souls (and our families!).

Core Value 1 We believe in creativity. We believe that we all can uncover possibility through creativity. When we align with our true creative self and create from that space, possibility appears. We believe we can create our own freedom and success on our own terms.

Core Value 2 We believe in community. We strive to create an environment that places the importance of community over competition. We believe we can all win. By supporting each other and cheering each other on, we create an empowering environment. 

Core Value 3 We believe in curiosity. Curiosity is at the heart of all we do. We connect every aspect of our work with passion and enthusiasm as we know that energy reaches far beyond what is seen but rather what can be felt. 

Core Value 4 We believe in good work. We strive to create quality work in all that we do – from the smallest task to the biggest project – while consistently having fun and recognizing our soul’s need to play and be creative. 

Core Value 5 We believe in holding space. We hold space for those who courageously use their creativity and curiosity and are brave enough to move away from the status quo. We are here to live our lives on purpose, with determination, while helping others do the same.