Creative Living

  • 40 things I learned by age 40

    1. If you are going to cry over a man and you are wearing expensive mascara, he better be worth it.
    2. Know the value within yourself. This changes everything.
    3. You are surrounded by grace. Live like it.
    4. Chances are, you deserve more than you think you do.
    5. Allow others the freedom to be who they are trying to become.
    6. Kindness always trumps hate – even when hate is loud.
    7. If you need a hero, become one.
    8. Smile more.
    9. Pray more.
    10. You have a power inside of you that is bigger than anything you are facing. Own it.
    11. Exist on your own terms.
    12. Perfectionism is ridiculous.
    13. Every once in awhile – buy the shoes, eat the cake.
    14. Realize you are already more successful than you believe.
    15. Forget your age often.
    16. You don’t have to explain yourself to anyone.
    17. Let it go.
    18. Let go.
    19. If you like it, wear it.
    20. Confidence and kindness are a winning combo.
    21. Don’t forget to notice the effort of others.
    22. Your thoughts shape your future. Pay attention to them. Keep them in check.
    23. Have a collection of something.
    24. Don’t care what others think of you – good or bad.
    25. Nature heals. Pay it a visit often.
    26. Your soul will thank you for it.
    27. Make it a priority to get enough sleep.
    28. Fresh sheets are magic.
    29. Take an unknown road.
    30. Don’t be lazy. Embrace the challenge.
    31. Put your phone down when your loved ones enter the room.
    32. Be yourself. Unapologetically.
    33. Read a children’s book on occasion.
    34. Make your decisions out of love. Not fear. (Unless a bear is chasing you).
    35. The daily practice of gratitude can unlock a completely different perspective.
    36. Guard your time. It is a precious resource.
    37. Do what you need to do to make yourself happy.
    38. Don’t waste time on guilt or regret.
    39. Compete only with who you were yesterday.
    40. Trust me on the mascara thing. He probably isn’t worth it if he made you cry.


    So, that’s basically what I know. So far. I cannot believe I am the big 4-0 today but I am honored to be here because when I was younger I always looked up to women who were 40-ish and carried themselves well while being stylish, graceful, and seemingly had it figured out. I doubt that I am stylish or graceful, and I don’t have it all figured out, but I sure love trying!

    Here’s to us women trying to make a difference, big or small, while dancing through life with less fear and more ambition than we have ever possessed before! We are worth living lives that we absolutely are crazy about!





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  • The time Lucille Ball made me get right with life.

    A couple of days ago, I wrote a post giving yourself permission to put in the time to pursue your passion – even if it meant others weren’t so keen on the idea. (You can read it here. And do so if you need a permission slip because I have one just for you).

    As a mama of three kids, two dogs, and two ducks, knowing what all I can fit it in my time can be a bit of a challenge for me. But it became a lot less of a challenge when I decided to do the most dreaded thing in the history of mothers. (This is a safe space so I am going to share and trust here. Don’t judge). So, I decided I was going to put myself first. (O.M.G. Did she just say what I think she said?!). Yes, I decided each day, I was going to put myself first. Okay. I have to admit I am a smallish bit selfish by nature so this wasn’t some dramatic ‘1950s housewife ditches her family in pursuit of her own happiness moment’.   I just made the decision that I wasn’t going to waste time doing things I really hated if I could outsource it, I was going to start doing things I really felt inspired to do (because why not?), and I wasn’t wasting time working for other people’s dreams anymore.

    So, in short, I quit my stable job with the long, life sucking 12 hour shifts at the hospital , I started painting for my own amusement, started a business that I infinitely love, and I hired a housekeeper. No crime there. But the thing I learned is this: I am capable of making some really good decisions when I listen to my heart AND I am a better, happier mom, sister, daughter, and human being overall when I am doing what makes my soul feel alive – and when I put those things first.

    I remember reading a quote years ago by Lucille Ball that said, “Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world”.  My first raw reaction to this quote was ‘that sounds amazing’ which was quickly followed by thoughts of how moms can’t be that selfish and how we have to put everything else first and love ourselves last, if there is anything left over at the end of the day.  I kept thinking about this quote and honestly felt like a kid sneaking cookies when he was supposed to be asleep. The idea behind that quote sounded so good, and warm, and sweet but it wasn’t something I could actually do in the light of day. Or could I? Well, apparently I could because I do, and let me tell you, sister, if you aren’t living your life that way then what are you waiting for?



    So – maybe you aren’t ready to eat cookies while sitting in the middle of your front yard with chocolate all over your face. That’s okay. But I am going to challenge you to take a little bite of the cookie that will cause you to rethink how you use your time. What do you want out of your life? What is it that you would want to do that you might be not doing now?

    As the saying (or quote by someone) goes ‘the days go slow but the years go fast’. It does go by way too fast and I vow to not end this life without knowing I had fun, I did things that made my heart so happy, and I, in turn, was rejuvenated by doing those things so that I could love more deeply and appreciate those around me with a higher standard of appreciation. And I got a housekeeper out of it. 😉

    I better go do my dishes now before she gets here so she won’t see *exactly* see how we live.



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