Month: April 2016

  • Facebook Ad Printable

    Hey! I wanted to share a free printable with you that I use all the time. I run a lot of Facebook ads and I find it useful to keep track of:

    • What special I was running during the ad
    • The dates I ran the ad
    • How much money I spent on the ad
    • How much money I made from the ad

    Do you run Facebook ads for your business? If not, you should be. Facebook advertising is some of the cheapest advertising out there. If you aren’t sure even where to begin, or you aren’t really sure of what you are doing, there is plenty of information out there.

    A great place to learn about Facebook ads and a ton of other business related topics such as email marketing, branding and lot more, check out Fierce! Business Bootcamp. My business bestie Christy Jo Lightfoot is in charge of that awesomeness and, as someone who has gone through the course, I highly recommend it.

    You probably know that being a business owner means doing research and teaching yourself new things. One of my favorite places to search for business information and articles is Pinterest. It ain’t just for pretty pictures sister!

    Ok, so back to the Facebook Ad Tracker Printable. If you are running ads, and haven’t started keeping track of how well each ad does, start doing so today. It can really help when looking back over the ads to see what went well and where you can improve.

    To grab the download Facebook ad Tracker click here. Print it as many times as you want!


    Have you signed up for PLC VIPs yet? If you own a small business, join me as I help you navigate through all the social media mysteries, offer what works for me in my own business, and I throw in a discount code every now and again, too. I believe in the small business as it has allowed me to solely provide for my family and has given me a life where I am excited to wake up and see where my next adventure lies. Whatcha waiting for? Sign up here.


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  • The one thing that saved my business.

    I learned the hard way. So let me save you some time. If you are new to running your business and are at the end of your rope, or have been hustling awhile and are two steps away from burning out, let me give you a virtual hug and tell you that I know how you feel. And I know I am also going to give you the two most freeing words that every business owner needs to hear…. SLOW DOWN. Before you leave the page thinking I am off my rocker a bit because to own a small business means to work incessantly let me back up those two words with some validation.

    In the beginning of trying to make my business work, and trying to figure out what I was doing, I would hustle like crazy.  No surprise there as you do have to put in the hours, and get it done, and work like you have never worked before. I believe in working hard, and I believe in getting things done. But if you don’t do it the right way, you are heading to the B word. Burnout. You might be heading your way to being known as another ‘b’ word – and if that is the case I can help you as well with my little tale.

    A few years into my business after working like Crazy with a capital c,  I found myself really ready to throw in the towel. Like for real. It was in the summer and I was on my porch one late afternoon with tears streaming down my face. I had had enough. And I didn’t want to be in that place because I loved my business but I needed to stop the insanity. I wasn’t making money, I wasn’t making my life work, and I certainly wasn’t in the dream job that I thought I would be in at this point. So, I decided to face the facts and end the charade. I tried, and gave it a good effort, but I needed to shut her down.

    This broke my heart. Shutting down something I believed in, and loved, was absolutely heartbreaking. So I sat there for a long time and cried. The sun was starting to set, and in between my tears, I prayed and prayed that God would intervene in some way. I knew very well that God probably wasn’t going to drop $50,000 in my Paypal account at the moment but I needed something. I needed something to stop the hurt, to give me the courage to find a new direction, and to help me start over once again. After sitting there for awhile longer, I felt  something shift suddenly over me and the tears stopped. I sat up a bit, stared into the disappearing sun, and saw ‘Psalm 46:10’ in my mind.

    Be still and know that I am God. -Psalm 46:10

    Be still? Well, I was still physically because I had been in this chair for way too long. I was there long enough to wonder why my family hadn’t needed something from me, but grateful I had the time to myself. Be still? I was in no way still mentally… but maybe I needed to be. So, I don’t know what happened at that moment but I knew I couldn’t stop pursuing my dream business. But  I could stop being insane about it. If God wanted me here in this business, I needed to let Him do some hustling for me, and I needed to be still. I needed to give myself space each day, and stop forcing things in such a desperate manner. So, I let go. I started living each day as if I was making the money I needed, and I started being intentional about not forcing things but rather let them play out as they were meant to be.

    So, years later, I am still in business and have reached a point where I am in love with my business. Is it always easy? Nope. Is it something I can’t wait to do each morning? It is. It really is. I no longer feel like I am about to burn out. I work less hours, I take care of myself more, I talk to God about my business, and I am still. I have stopped focusing on the money, and have focused on serving others. And that has made all the difference.


    So, no matter where you are in your business, I hope you will slow down and know that it can work and work wonderfully. If you are doubting your place, I urge you to be still. We are so driven in todays society and stillness seems counterproductive. How can I find the answers if I am not actively doing anything? Sitting in silence, offering God what you have, and allowing Him to show you where you need to be can do amazing things for your business – and for you as a whole.

    I hope you have a wonderful week and allow yourself some space to be still.


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