Month: January 2019

  • FREE pseudo flat lay photos


    Hello, Darling!

    I’m gonna be real here. I suck at flat lay photography. I tried it for a minute and realized that I just don’t have the patience and vision for it. Plus, I live in the digital world where I create things from nothing – and I can’t imagine all the props you would have to collect to build up a good stock photography collection. Would I love to go out and buy 3 dozen roses in varied shades and a fresh set of office supplies in pink hues? Heck to the yes. But It’s not happening.

    But I love flat lay photos and the vibe they give off. Especially the colorful ones. I follow many photographers on Instagram and they are so inspiring. I found some really cool flat lay style photos on Unsplash, too.

    One of my goal for this year is to clean up my Instagram feed and really post more intentionally with what feels good to me. Now, if you’ve followed me for some time you know I post pics of my kids and occasional videos of my daughter as ‘Grandpa Joe’. But no more. Sorry, Joe.  (Ryleigh thinks Grandpa Joe is HILARIOUS. So let’s just keep it between us that he got the boot). By the way, you can follow me on Instagram at Yes, Grandpa Joe is still up on the feed but he was forced into retirement circa December 2018.

    I am not that great at showing up on Instagram but I still like it so much. Facebook is really my business jam as we have over 26,000 ‘fans’ over there and a great private Facebook group of over 3,200 creatives. But Instagram is just more fun to me as far as being a personal user. Those gorgeous photos. I want some of that.

    So, I started to hack my photos. I wanted to create gorgeous flat lays without leaving my desk and heading off to Michaels or Hobby Lobby. I create a ton of graphics so I thought ‘why not throw a drop shadow behind them and then just put a flat background in a vibrant color?’. So I did. And it has been a lot of fun. I even made some for you. Feel free to use them on your social media.

    >> To download the 4 pack of pseudo flat lay photos, click here. Or click the image below. (I guess you can do both. I’m not here to judge. You go on and live your best life.)

    Terms of use, yo – Use them on your social media. Use them on your website. Just don’t share them or sell them or claim them as your own. If you want to give credit, I will love you for it – but you don’t have to, k? Tag me @pinklemonadecompany on Instagram if you are so inclined.

    Alright. It’s nearing time that school lets out and my kids really don’t like it when I’m late. We don’t wanna upset Grandpa Joe. 😉

    xx –




    Want more?! If you want some FREE graphics (like these cuties below) + a FREE guide on 5 Ways to Make $$$ with Graphics, sign up below and I will rush them to your door. I mean your inbox. I won’t come to your door because that’d be weird and stalker-ish.

     [convertkit form=820840]

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