Month: March 2020

  • VIDEO: My Two Methods of Saving Graphics

    A common question that I get asked is how do I store my graphics without having them clutter up my computer hard drive? Or going off of that – how do I store my graphics to avoid losing them when technology malfunctions?

    Even if you decide to save your graphics on your computer’s hard drive, I still recommend having an alternate method of backing up your graphic files as well. And having two back up sources is even better. Nothing is as disheartening as having the perfect graphics created only for your computer to crash and you lose them all.

    It happens. Trust me.

    In this video, I’m going to chat with you about the two ways I save my graphic files and show you how easy backing up your files really is!

    Thanks for watching!

    The training How to Grow a Creative Biz can now be found inside the Creative Business Bundle.

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