Month: December 2015

  • Getting the Life we Deserve.

    Hey! I hope that you are having a good day where you are, and more importantly, I hope after you read this post, you might have a little bit better day. That’s kind of the goal of every blogger, I would assume. But for real! I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and read a bit…

    So, I was thinking about my day this evening. It is about 8 PM here and like always today has been a bit of a circus. My kids are out for Christmas break so I am working at home amongst the noise. Scott has been so great to fix the meals, play with the kids, and just let me work. At one point today, I darted in the kitchen to grab some food, and had to work my way through two hyped up kids and two wrestling dogs. Between all that and the noise level I thought to myself, “this place is nuts!”.  And then I thought how completely awesome! Our house is chaotic 99% of the time and as an introvert it isn’t always ideal. But for it I am so, so grateful as it wasn’t always so blissfully chaotic…

    I can so vividly remember a time my life wasn’t anywhere close to being awesome. I remember being a single mom, out of work, out of money, out of my mind, and not loving much about my life because it was not working, and quite frankly, it just sucked. And then one day while sitting in my living room, in a small house where I could not afford the bills, I broke down inside. I could not take another day of this and I desperately needed a new act. My three babies needed more from me, and I needed more from me, and I was pretty sure God needed more from me. But more than that God needed me to see that He already saw more in me. Things were just not coming together and so instead of doing things my way – what if I just tossed out the rule book, and started doing something I really always wanted to do but was always scared to do. Gotta be practical and be safe when you are raising kiddos, right? Was there a new way, a better way, to do things? Was I built for more? I think God wanted me to take a leap of faith and start placing my trust in Him instead of holding onto this fear that was consuming had consumed my life.

    So I talked to God a lot and eventually, with a lot of hard work, faith and courage, built a business that not only provided things in my life but through my little business God gave me a better looking, fun filled life that had purpose. He needed me to be in a place where I had to have the courage to ask, and then just trust Him with the details. Seriously – I was down to almost NOTHING and I had to look up. I didn’t even have a computer at the time and I had the wild idea that I wanted to create a graphic design business online. I had no knowledge of Photoshop, or how to build a website, or how to get clients, or how to do anything business related. But it fell into place. Because I trusted that God was going to take care of things and build this with and for me.

    My hope for you – if you are not loving your life or a part of your life – is that you will have the courage to ask for the life you deserve, and then, with God, start building it. I can’t even begin to tell you how far fetched my dream was considering my life at the time (food stamps, y’all!) and how I had no business plan other than God leading my plan and showing me step by step. Oprah’s right on this one – you get exactly what you have the courage to ask for.





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  • Do You Choose Adventure?

    I am so very excited about 2016. Who’s with me? 2015 has been lovely but new adventures await us and it’s gonna be awesome. Yes, bad things are going to come in with the good but it will just make the good times even sweeter.  Here’s the thing- I am not by nature an optimistic person. It takes a conscious effort, usually, to believe that everything is going to work out. I need a “Choose Joy” or  “Choose Happiness” poster in front of my face pretty much all the time. Because I do forget that we are in charge of how we go through our days.  But here’s the thing – the older I get, the more I have learned to appreciate that we really do create our own realities. And, for some reason, call it God-inspired, or maybe a touch of insanity has hit – I truly believe 2016 is going to rock! It’s a new adventure for PLC with new projects in the works but more importantly I am choosing – making the conscious effort to choose – that 2016 will be an adventure. 2015 was full of curve balls but I guess it is turning out okay because I am still here, my business is still running, my family is still by my side, and God is still in control.

    I hope you choose adventure -adventure for yourself, your business, any part of your life. What adventures await you? I would love to hear about it and cheer you on!


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  • K + M Another Freebie Christmas Graphic

    Things are in full holiday swing around here. I am in love with seeing all the Christmas lights going up around town, and the smiles get wider across my children’s faces as we are all having getting in the spirit of things.  I thrive on Christmas joy and the traditions that don’t cost anything or much – our local Christmas parade, baking Christmas cookies, putting up the tree, the peace that seems to settle on things this time of year. Yeah, I know this time of year is also synonymous with crazy hectic schedules, overloaded fits of gluttony on some level or another, and breaking the bank to keep up with the holiday shopping. BUT I am refusing to focus on that and just try to remember how I felt as a kid – the wonder of it all. I love the peaceful feeling of how the cold weather outside contrasts beautifully with the warm, cozy feeling inside. I want to do the simple small things that make Christmas special and forget how from Black Friday on everything has the potential to become a frenzy that no one actually enjoys.


    Grab this freebie graphic here. Great for posting on your social media or website. Use the hashtag #plcgraphics on Instagram and we might just give your biz a shoutout!

    What Christmas traditions do you love? Share them with us in the comments. We love hearing from you!


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