Month: June 2017

  • 10 ways to use digital graphics

    Are you feelin’ the Summer Vibes?! I am so loving that it is summer. Of course, all that means is I still get up early to work every day (or almost) but my three kiddos are enjoying sleeping in, splashing in the pool, or lounging around. It creates a fun, summery vibe that I love being immersed in.

    And while I am working on my business everrrday I wanted to quickly share the top email question that I am getting currently. And that question goes something like this: “I want to use graphics. They look fun – but what are some ways to use them?”.

    When I get several emails of the same question, I take it as a sign that that is something I need to provide my audience. So, my dear friends, I have created a free download – 10 Ways to Use Digital Graphics. Plus it has some ideas on ways to make money using digital graphics. Woohoo. I do it every day. And you can, too. Want it? Get it here.

    All the best to you!

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  • An Interview with Courtney Lyman of Charity Sparrow


    I am excited to get this interview out to everyone.  Courtney Lyman of Charity Sparrow is one of those women who believes in community and putting positive vibes out there. Finding other women you connect with in business can be such a huge asset for all involved and when we support each other, we all win. At PLC, we share in those beliefs so when Courtney crossed our path, I knew I wanted to talk to her and get her business story.

    So, today, I am sitting down with Courtney to chat about Charity Sparrow, her AH-MAZING Facebook group – the Junkin’ Sisters Tribe, and building your business from the ground up.

    Courtney, I am so glad you are here. I love the name Charity Sparrow. It just makes me happy. Thank you for taking some time out to tell us a little more about your business. 

    Kelli, I’m so excited and honored that you wanted to do a feature on me and the projects I have going on. I’m a big fan of yours and of Pink Lemonade Company so it means a lot, thank you!

    I own Charity Sparrow, LLC. along with my husband, Larry, and my youngest daughter, Cassi Leigh. Charity Sparrow is the umbrella, so to speak, under which we have the blog (of the same name) for vintage lovers, and will soon have other projects that we’re working on as well.

    Charity Sparrow was my 11th great grandmother born in 1640. I found out about her on my quest to learn about my ancestry, which was a period that also birthed the Facebook page, Distressed Nest, which evolved into Charity Sparrow. It was a turning point in my life and in finally defeating depression, and I hope to use all of what we’re doing now as an inspiration to others who may be going through some of the same things.

    I guess if I had to pinpoint what I do, I’d say at the core of it I’m a peddler of hope. If I can get back up, and make something out of nothing, so can anyone.

    Peddler of hope. I love that. So many women-owned businesses start from a place similar to yours and it’s always such a victory when we evolve to become our own heroes.  Once we find that purpose, that passion, and find a way to put it together for the good of ourselves, that’s when the magic happens and we find out how strong and unstoppable we really are. Women can be such an inspiration for other women through business.  How did your venture start for you?

    So, Cassi and I started Distressed Nest as a Facebook page to show some things we were making and selling for a thousand dollar pledge she’d made thru her Church Youth group. It was her pledge, but I jumped in there with her to help and to find something positive to do to pull myself out of that funk I’d mentioned. Our Facebook page started taking off and that was fun, then when I began making our own graphics it really took a big turn. I’d found something I was good at, and enjoyed doing, so I went with it. People were requesting a website so we decided to go for that, too.

    Digital graphics for the win! Ha! What has been one of the best parts of your business?

    I’d say the best part of what we’re doing, for me, is the people. We’ve received messages from people all over the world, going through all kinds of things, and when we hear that we made someone smile through a bad day with their PTSD or a chemo treatment, it really makes our day. If we made one person smile that day, or feel inspired, it was a good business day.

    Man. You have some good answers. We are soul sisters! 😉 I have a Post-It Note on my vision board that says “Serve first and money will follow”. And I have yet to be proven wrong. Okay. Let’s talk about it because I can’t wait anymore. Your Facebook group is phenomenal. I was in the group the other day and saw you have over 25,000 members! It’s such a fun community. How did all that get started? 

    Thank you so much, and I’m glad you’re a tribe sister, too!  I didn’t intend on starting a Facebook group, really, but I’d made friends with the admins in our own small tribe  (Jane of Grit Antiques, Heather from Wholehearted & Co., and Kim from Kim Finds and Redesigns) and as we supported one another and had fun doing it, we thought about other women with similar interests who could use a tribe, too. I was always that quiet kid in the neighborhood who’d try to get the other kids involved in some shenanigans of one type or another. I think this is just my grown-up version of that. Hey, let’s all play and hang out and talk about what we love doing. Back then it was bike riding and Barbies and now it’s junkin’ and hitting the flea markets or vintage shows.

    The Junkin’ Sisters Tribe is a supportive group for creatives, business owners, junkers, and lovers of vintage who are looking for a fun, drama free atmosphere to share and grow in. Anyone looking for a group like that is welcome to request to join the shenanigans.

    If you aren’t a member, go join. It’s a great group to soak up some inspiration, get your junkin’ fix on, and just be among ladies who are doing their thing and sharing it with the tribe. Courtney it has been so nice getting to know you better. One last question -where do you see Charity Sparrow going from here?  

    That’s a good question, and one I’m trying to dream about and work on right now. I want to keep improving the blog and hope to start a line of inspirational and fun products as well. The rest I’m sure will evolve just as this whole process has, with an idea followed by a leap of radical faith, and finding my wings on the way down.

    I think you have a good plan there. In my own business, I don’t always know what exactly I want next but it’s amazing how when you show up every day and keep it positive, things unfold and ideas come to fruition even when you aren’t completely sure what those ideas are in the beginning. Thank you so much for sharing Charity Sparrow with us. I know good things are in store for it, and you, and your family. 

    Thanks again, Kelli. It’s been a pleasure!


    If you would like to learn more about Courtney and Charity Sparrow, you can visit her website at If you would like to request to join her Facebook book, just click here

    Courtney is one of our members of our digital graphics website PLC Creative Living. If you would like to sign up for free graphics you are welcome to below.

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