Month: December 2020

  • Free Vision Board Training Video

    It’s that time of year where we’re focused on the new year, our goals, and plans for the coming 12 months so let’s make it count!

    No matter what your goals are, growing your business, making healthier choices, or traveling more, a vision board can help get your thoughts organized. And, besides, it’s fun!

    I’m not a cut pictures out of magazines vision board person. And I really encourage you to find the way that works best for you so that you feel connected to your vision – since, after all, that is the point of a vision board.

    In the video, I’m sharing some of my own spins of vision boards and how I have used them to uplevel in my business (and life).

    It’s no coincidence that my business started taking off when I started envisioning what I wanted my business (and my future) to look like and taking this vision and putting it into a vision board. 

    Check it out and follow along with me as I make my vision board idea a reality. 

    The main thing I want you to remember is….

    There are no rules. Have fun. You get to create it however YOU want.

    I also want to invite you to my private Facebook group of over 17,000 creative women building their businesses. You can join the group AND get my free guide on making selling fun and easy here.

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  • Growing a creative business just got easier…

    SO MUCH GOING ON! ? Here’s what’s happening…

    • Tuesday, December 29, I will be releasing the ‘Creating the Vision’ vision board party video in the Facebook group. I’m sharing my own version of vision boards and how this helps me build my multi-six figure empire. Plus, it’s FUN (and free)!
    • Tuesday, January 5 – 7, our free workshop series Easy + Fun + Profitable. I will be in the Facebook group each day doing a FB live and talking about getting your business ready for a phenomenal 2021! Replays will be available if you can’t attend live. (You can get more info here:
    • January 7 – The new Digital Box of graphics will be released to PLC Insiders members.
    • January 13 – PLC Business Bootcamp! Our first call will be held on January 13. (This is not a free program and includes a high level of support/training from me for 6 weeks. More info will be released on this soon).

    I’m so excited to bring all of this to you starting this week. My team and I create & offer lots of free AND paid programs. I’m happy to offer programs at various price points so that there is something for everybody – depending on the level of support you want/need from me.

    I believe we all can have wildly successful businesses doing what we love and I’m happy to share how I grew my own creative business with you.

    How did I do it?

    I started in the online space in 2011. I ‘played’ around with the idea of business for years but in 2017 decided to get really serious and drew a line in the sand for myself.

    I was done being half in and half out.

    I was done not making the money I wanted for myself and my family.

    And I was done chasing tons of online strategies that seemed to be working for everyone else but not me.

    So, I developed a way to work from a space that was easy & fun. I learned a ton about online marketing and running a profitable creative business.

    I also found a way to stop being the shy girl who was scared of being seen and didn’t know how to trust herself. I was able to shift into someone who stepped up into being a business owner who became confident and not afraid of being visible.

    How can I help you?

    I own the power that I can help other business owners do the same. In fact, it’s one of the things that lights me up the most. Why? Because I get what it feels like to be broke, stressed, and struggling and I think all women deserve to SHINE and make a GOOD living doing what they love.

    When women succeed and have money, we make ourselves, our families, our communities, our world better. And we NEED more of that.

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