
  • Arrow Printable


    This morning I woke up all full of energy which is a welcome relief since this time change has this mama lagging. So I was freshening up some bits and pieces on the website and decided to upload this printable.

    It’s yours for free just by clicking the banner below and I will send you instant access to my Resource Library (full of fun graphics, printables, and video tutorials).



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  • How being bold and demanding my way changed things up for me.

    As always we have a LOT going on at PLC. But before we head off into the weekend I wanted to share a little somethin’ somethin’…
    There is something that just completely rocks about sticking your neck out and doing what you want when it comes to running your business! Or your life for that matter. Be bold and make no excuses! Once I decided to up my game, lay down some serious goals with actual steps to achieve them, and starting running my business (and life) the way I wanted, things changed for me BIG time! It was one of the monumental moments for me.
    For the first years of my business I was doing what I could to hustle but I was not seeing results like I do now. The difference? I decided what I wanted out of my business and did what I needed to do to make it happen. I researched ‘how to effectively run business’ like crazy. I started working smarter rather than harder. I also didn’t care so much with what those around me thought anymore.  I stopped letting the occasional pushy client push me around to get more than they paid for, and I set some firm boundaries. And I declined to work with people who weren’t a good match for me or my business.

    Being bold and brave brought me what I needed for my business and my life.

    Whatever you want out of life, take it. Don’t settle. I did settle for too long in the way I ran my business and my life. And I finally got up enough nerve to change my mind set, started realizing I deserved way more than I was taking, and then things starting changing for the better. I hope you take the time to think about what you want out of life, and know that you are worth having it. kelli


    enough nerve


    To get in on some fun graphic design tutorials, social media tips and tricks, and more sign up today for K+M!

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