Creative Living

  • Free DIY Card Set and Video Tutorial


    In this video, I am sharing with you a free card set from the Days Gone By collection. You can create invitations or notecards and I show you my process in this video.


    To download the free cards that I use in the video tutorial, just enter your best email below along with your name and I will send you the freebie right away.

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    Days Gone By collection

    *Includes 7 papers and 16 notecard/invitation files. Small business use okay.

    To view the collection on Etsy click here.

    To get the entire collection FREE, join PLC Creative Living as a VIP and get instant access.

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  • FREE digital box – Vintage Happiness!


    Hello there! The past couple of years have been C-R-A-Z-Y for my little business. I launched my graphics membership site PLC Creative Living in 2017. I thought it would be a fun little side hustle and a way for me to generate more income. I never anticipated what was to come but I am surely grateful. I am so grateful for the members of Creative Living and for all the members of the Facebook group.

    Anyway, waking up to new members every day is definitely a fun way to start my day and this morning I just couldn’t contain how truly grateful my heart is. So, I wanted to give back in some small way and create a free digital box for everyone – member or not.

    I tell you all of this because I have become increasingly moved to help other women achieve their dreams and shape their own reality. It’s the whole ‘if I can do it, you can do it’ thing and at the end of the day, I am just deeply grateful for anyone who has crossed paths with me and become a better person, even for a second, because of it. I am also eternally grateful for the members of PLC Creative Living as it is because of you that I get to do what I do. So, thank you.



    Now, I think I promised you a free digital box! This box is called Vintage Happiness because the content just makes me happy. I love vintage anything. Who doesn’t these days, right? So, in this box I have included 7 elements in .png format (all high resolution at 300 dpi) and then 3 papers in .jpg format(12 x 12 inches at 300 dpi). I have packed as much texture and distressed charm as possible into each graphic. As with all of my graphics inside PLC Creative Living, these graphics are small business use friendly and can be used to create some wonderful-ness in the form of t-shirt designs, sublimation transfers, website graphics, social media images, wall art printables, etc. Just add your imagination.

    Please note: I am not trying to be sneaky, and you probably know how this works, but I need an email address so I can send you your freebie. After that, you are welcome to unsubscribe at any time. But if you want to stay on, I send out freebies from time to time, as well as info on my membership site, sales, discounts, and other things happening at Pink Lemonade Company.  

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  • 3 Ways to Amp Up Creativity

    Hey! I did a little Facebook Live video the other night (messy hair, no makeup and all, girl!). I shared three ways in which I get my creative groove going. If you missed it,  you can watch it below. Not gonna lie – the video took a bit of a turn when the kids crashed my party. But that’s how I roll, and I know you get that if you have been following PLC for anytime at all.

    So, what is the deal with creativity? Well, in my world, she is sometimes an elusive mistress. If my day is going a little weird and I’m not feeling it – she doesn’t want to even be seen with me. And that’s all grand unless you are getting paid to use your creativity. So, I kinda need her to buddy up with me so we can get stuff done and pay the bills.

    In the video above I explain my top three ways to get Lady Creative on my side. But I am going to paraphrase it here because sometimes we have things to do other than watch videos. I get that.

    1. Mindset. Each morning I wake up and head out to my deck where I sit in silence (until my kids find me). It’s a noisy world out there and it’s hard to come up with fresh new ideas when yesterday’s commercials and newsfeed are still buzzing in your brain. So, I very intentionally get still and silent. I listen to birds. I write down my goals in my journal (so important!). I meditate and I pray. Or I listen to a positive book on Audible. I also drink my coffee or water. This ritual has become so important in my life and I am very off kilter when it doesn’t happen.
    2. Intentionally Finding Beauty. I purposely find beautiful things that inspire me. Sometimes I read a new book that lifts my spirit. Other times you will find me cruising Pinterest for gorgeous visuals. If I can’t stop working, I do something as simple as light a candle. I started a ‘thing’ last year where I would light two candles each day that I was working. One for God to show up, and one for creativity to join me. It sets me in such a good frame of mind. Who can be all nuts when God and Creativity are joining you at your desk?  Not me. And from time to time, intentionally finding beauty means spontaneously getting away to my favorite hotel that is 3 hours away from my home. Road trip, kids!
    3. And lastly, decluttering. I wish this one didn’t work so well. But it tends to work so well…darn it! I am messy by nature. I like to see my work sprawled about so I feel I have control over what all is going on. Until I don’t. I can work like this for a bit but the older I get the more I realize I need organization and a zen-like environment to churn out my best work. But decluttering and tidying up also gives me space. It’s like a breath of fresh air that gives me time to think while cleaning somewhat on auto-pilot. And that is where the bonus magic is in this practice.

    Giving yourself time to decompress from all that is going on is crucial to being creative. And no matter what your line of work (or play) it almost always involves some level of creativity. So, what are the ways you get yourself in the creative zone? I would love to hear in the comments below.

    Stay creative. xx.



    Ready to dive into more creativity? Join me for my FREE digital design course! Sign up below to get all the juicy details. The course includes free graphics, free ideas on how to use digital graphics, and an invitation to my private Facebook group.

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